Friday, July 13

Hate This Feeling!!!


Ntah kenapa aku rasa lain macam sejak kebelakangan ni...Perasaan/Feeling??..dun know...Berdebar-debar,tercari-cari...sangat2 weird..
Maybe i miss someone...Macam la..aku sendiri pun x faham why ada that feeling...sometime i didn't see (him) like i missing something...what kind of feeling is dat??

And i'm very sure that's not my Ex ok...dun have any feeling for my Ex anymore....just i 've met new person...and i hate bila aku rasa macam jatuh cinta...Oh,my...Aku x mau fikir pasal tu dulu study pun not really good la...Ish...

And today,aku x dapat tengok muka dia,guess wat??..i miss him very much...
*its not like jatuh cinta exactly,but rasa kekurangan myb...I'm not sure...


#sekadar luahan hati....